
Protocol to Digitized Removable Denture

In this blog, I will resume the steps process to produce digital denture, it will help you with dicision making to go completely digital, or to combine both methods, traditional and digital procedures. When the clinician know his options, he will take a bold step without worrying.  Let’s see what metadata says: Digital complete dentures […]

Digital Dentistry, Design and Fabrication

Is it worth to swich to digital dentistry?  I found it interesting to talk about digital CAD- CAM use in dentistry.  isn’t it amazing to understand all possibilities we can have as professionals!! I am an old School dental prosthetics provider, what are my options to integrate digital Technology in my practice? It is one of […]

Get Back your Power, Personal Development’s Facts

  All the knowledge you get are not sufficient to succeed, but success align with the choices you make, the personality you adapt, and how much dedicated and perseverant you are.   The market place trend and employment have shifted, and are more oriented to teamwork’s mentality. Be prepared to adapt, but without causing damage […]