
Considerations and Reported Outcomes in Digital Denture

Continuing Education

WHAT is Expected?  In this blog, and according to the updates from Pacific Dental Conferences’ Participants, I would like to review some principles of successfully produced dental prosthesis focusing on digital CAD- CAM denture, and to share with you the information on repoted outcomes from clinics and patients metadata as shared in some of conferences, it […]

Digital Dentistry, Design and Fabrication

Is it worth to swich to digital dentistry?  I found it interesting to talk about digital CAD- CAM use in dentistry.  isn’t it amazing to understand all possibilities we can have as professionals!! I am an old School dental prosthetics provider, what are my options to integrate digital Technology in my practice? It is one of […]

Dental Indusry Trends

While the life style of people is considered much better compared to early 80´s, the dental sector benefits from the trend of automation.  Dental restorations continue to improve to give that Hollywood smile everyone is looking for. The oral health professionals and the developers in the industry scale, with the help of the government, have […]